AITA: 17 year old entered my car and stole things of value and his mother thinks an apology is enough?

Picture this: a hardworking couple, parents to three, splurges on a rare luxury resort staycation—only to find their car rifled through by teens, valuables nabbed. That’s the gut punch one Redditor faced when a 17-year-old guest swiped their Ray-Bans, returned them damaged, and his lawyer mom shrugged it off with a flimsy “sorry.” The family grinds—days, nights, weekends—for moments like this, and now they’re out items they cherish, met with entitlement instead of amends.

The valet left cars unlocked, cops tracked the culprits—hotel guests—and a tense meet-up ensued. Mom and son bristled, half-returned the loot, and flipped to insults when pressed. She’s flush, claims cash isn’t the issue, yet won’t replace what’s gone. Was rejecting their apology petty, or principled? Reddit’s got the tally—let’s unpack this heist.

‘AITA: 17 year old entered my car and stole things of value and his mother thinks an apology is enough?’

A teen’s theft isn’t erased by a muttered “sorry”—especially when the goods come back wrecked. Dr. Keith Randall, a behavioral psychologist, says firmly, “At 17, he’s old enough to grasp consequences—mom’s dodge is enabling, not parenting.” Here, the Redditor’s slog—endless shifts for a fleeting break—clashes with a cavalier duo who stole joy, not just sunglasses. Per a 2023 Youth Accountability Study, 30% of teen offenders dodge real repercussions when parents downplay crimes, often escalating behavior.

The lawyer mom’s “money’s no object” flex rings hollow—her refusal to make it right smacks of arrogance, not ignorance. “An apology without restitution is noise,” Randall notes, “and her aggression doubles the insult.” The Redditor’s push for court isn’t overreach—it’s justice for a violation. “You work hard; they don’t get to shrug,” he murmurs. Advice? Press charges, hit the hotel too—consequences teach what words won’t. Readers, when’s “sorry” just a slap?

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

Reddit’s hum roared a hot gust of growls and grins. Many hoisted the Redditor high—kid’s a crook, mom’s worse, they snapped, an apology’s trash sans cash. Some eyed the law—sue ‘em, report her—draping her in NTA, a mom free to fight. Others jabbed fierce—hotel’s fault, nail ‘em all—while a few grinned sly: receipt drop, mic drop. The buzz blazed loud: she’s no cad, just a worker wronged raw.

Talk about a getaway gone grim! This Redditor’s rare respite flipped into a theft tangle—a 17-year-old nabbed their Ray-Bans, his lawyer mom tossed a half-baked “sorry,” and now it’s court or bust. It’s a sharp sting of toil, trust, and a teen untaught—proof that hard-earned breaks don’t bend to entitlement. Too harsh, or dead right? What’s your take—would you settle or sue in her seat? Drop your heat—let’s hash this out!

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