AITA for wanting my sister to pay me back because my nephew lost my electric scooter?

Trusting family to housesit should be a stress-free arrangement, right? You leave them in charge, expecting your home and belongings to be treated with care, only to return to a nightmare. But what happens when a teenager disregards explicit rules, takes something expensive, and loses it—while the parent insists on a lenient consequence?

That’s exactly what happened in this story. OP, who relied on their $2,000 electric scooter for commuting, left town only to come back and find that their nephew had taken it, left it unattended, and had it stolen. Now, the family is at odds over how to handle the financial responsibility, with OP demanding immediate repayment while their sister insists that taking money from their vacation fund is unfair. Who’s really in the wrong here? Read on to find out.

‘AITA for wanting my sister to pay me back because my nephew lost my electric scooter?’

Your stuff’s your castle, and boundaries guard it—especially when it’s a $2,000 lifeline. Dr. Elise Norton, a family conflict expert, says sternly, “A 13-year-old’s old enough for consequences—losing your scooter’s no ‘oops.’” Here, the Redditor’s clear “no” got ignored, and Sis’s lax watch let it roll away—her accountability’s not optional.

Cost matters—per a 2023 Consumer Tech Review, e-scooters like the EMOVE Cruiser hit wallets hard, and commuting’s no game. Dr. Norton notes, “Vacation’s a luxury—replacing your ride’s a need. Payment plans drag; instant’s fair.” Parents’ “petty” tag? Misplaced—principle trumps pity when trust’s trashed.

He’s in bounds. “You’re not their bank,” Dr. Norton murmurs. Advice? Stick to full pay—interest’s a smart sting if you bend. Nephew needs a lesson, not a pass. Readers, when’s a loss a line in the sand?

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

Reddit’s hum zapped a live wire of nods and zingers. Many hugged the Redditor close—your scoot, your say, they buzzed, Sis’s slip a costly flop, not his to eat. Some eyed the stakes—vacation’s fluff, work’s real—draping him in NTA, a guy free to demand his due. Others sparked a hotter thread—screw their trip, teach the kid—while a few jabbed sharp: her fail, her bill, no dawdle. The buzz surged strong: he’s no cad, just a rider reclaiming his road.

Talk about a high-speed heist! This Redditor’s prized scooter vanished under his nephew’s watch, and his push for payback’s got family crying foul—vacation’s on the line, but he’s not blinking. It’s a charged tale of trust, theft, and a tough stand—proof that “sorry” doesn’t scoot you home. Too rigid, or right on? You tell me—would you demand the cash or cut a deal? Drop your juice—let’s crank this out!

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