Entitled Neighbors Take Advantage Of Woman With Alzheimer’s To Take Over Her Driveway, Regret It
It’s not necessary to be best friends with your neighbors, but it will probably make your life much easier if you can at least be cordial. Bring them brownies when they first move in, keep an eye on their home when they’re on vacation for a few weeks and don’t hesitate to share a cup of sugar when they run out. However, one of the cardinal rules of staying on good terms with your neighbors is to never mess with their parking spots. Because if you do, you’re just asking for trouble.
One man recently posted on Reddit detailing how some parking drama with his parents’ neighbors resulted in the police being called. Below, you’ll find the full story, as well as some of the replies readers shared.
This man was confused when he noticed that one of his parents’ neighbors kept parking in their driveway
Image credits: Anurag Jamwal/Pexels (not the actual photo)