AITAH for going on a trip without my girlfriend since she forgot her passport?

Imagine this: a young couple, buzzing with excitement, ready to jet off to Japan for a week-long winter adventure. The bags are packed, the vibes are high—until they hit the international check-in counter. She’s 23, he’s 25, and their dream trip just imploded because she forgot her passport. Yep, mid-flight from their hometown, she realized it was still chilling on her dresser. Now, he’s sipping sake solo in Tokyo, while she’s crashing with a mutual friend, fuming. What went down?

The first leg was a breeze—domestic flight, state IDs, no sweat. But at the second airport, the international one, the missing passport turned their plans into a sitcom-level disaster. No quick fix—she couldn’t dash home. He checked in anyway, suggesting she bunk with their pal and explore stateside. She agreed, but her New Year’s dreams with him? Crushed. Now, their friend’s calling him out, she’s salty, and he’s wondering: “Am I the bad guy here?”

‘ AITAH for going on a trip without my girlfriend since she forgot her passport?’

Forgetting a passport for an overseas jaunt? That’s a plot twist that’d make even a rom-com cringe. Relationship expert Dr. John Gottman says, “Trust hinges on how couples handle conflict—big or small” (The Gottman Institute). Here, the guy saw a sunk cost—time, money, excitement—and rolled with it. She saw abandonment over a “simple mistake.” Both have a point, but the rift’s real.

She dropped the ball—hard. He’d reminded her twice, yet it slipped her mind. Mid-flight epiphany aside, she didn’t flag it till the gate. He could’ve stayed, sure, but why? It wouldn’t undo her flub. A 2022 survey found 68% of couples argue over travel snafus, often testing accountability (Travel Pulse). Her expecting him to ditch Japan feels like punishment for her oversight.

Fix it? FedEx could’ve saved the day—passport overnighted, flight rebooked. Too late now. Dr. Gottman’d say: own the mistake, talk it out. He should call, hear her out, maybe plan a redo trip. She should cop to the fumble. Readers, what’s your verdict?

Here’s what the community had to contribute:

Reddit’s got spicy takes—“NTA, her fault” to “relationship’s toast.” Here’s the raw scoop from the crowd.

Are these folks dishing wisdom or just popcorn-worthy drama?

So, he’s in Japan, she’s stateside, and their bond’s on shaky ground. A forgotten passport sparked a firestorm of hurt and “what ifs.” He could’ve stayed, she could’ve planned better—now what? If your partner bailed on a trip over your mix-up, how’d you handle it? Spill your thoughts—we’re all ears for this one!

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