50 Funny Cat Memes To Brighten Up Your Day If The World Feels Like A Cat-astrophe Right Now (New Pics)

LOLcats, Grumpy Cat, Caturday, cat videos, celebrity cats… They stalked us silently, then pounced out of nowhere, came in with a whole lot of cattitude, and took over the internet. It’s no secret that cats have been ruling the World Wide Web for decades, turning it into a virtual cat park. Sometimes I wonder if they’re secretly plotting to take over the real world as well.

If you consider yourself a bit cat-obsessed, you might have heard of the annual CatCon gathering. It’s a massive cat-centric pop culture event dedicated to all things feline, and it attracts people from around the globe. This year’s one takes place in early August in Pasadena, California.

But while you wait for that, you’ll be pleased to know that the guys behind the event also run an Instagram page called CatConWorldwide. It’s clocked up an impressive 607,000 followers. The account shares hilarious and relatable cat content that’ll put a smile on your dial on even the most catastrophic of days. Bored Panda has picked our favorites to keep you purring through your next nine lives. Paws what you’re doing and keep scrolling. Don’t forget to upvote the ones that have you feline like you’re surrounded by catnip. You’ll also find our interview with Susan Michals between the images. She’s the CEO and president of CatCon and CatCon Worldwide.




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